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Established 1953

Rev. A.J. Pope and the Rev. Fred A. Williams founded Casa View Assembly of God in the summer of 1953. It was first named Glad Tidings Church and, at that time, services were held in a rented building at Tenison Park. In March of 1954, the current location was purchased, along with a used building that was moved onto the property, and renovations were started. The building was completed and dedicated in the fall of 1955. In 1956 the church name was changed to Casa View Assembly of God (named after the neighborhood in which we reside). Dr. Marcus Alexander has served as lead pastor since 1997.

What We Believe

1.  WE BELIEVE...The Scriptures are Inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.

2.  WE BELIEVE...There is only One True God–revealed in three persons...Father, Son and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).

3.  WE BELIEVE...In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God's son, Jesus was both human and divine.

4.  WE BELIEVE...though originally good, Man Willingly Fell to Sin–ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.

5.  WE BELIEVE...Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God Through 'Salvation' (trusting Christ, through faith and repentance, to be our personal Savior). [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the AG]

6.  WE BELIEVE...and practice two ordinances—(1) Water Baptism by Immersion after repenting of one's sins and receiving Christ's gift of salvation, and (2) Holy Communion(the Lord's Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ's suffering and death for our salvation. 


7.  WE BELIEVE...the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a Special Experience Following Salvation that empowers believers for witnessing and effective service, just as it did in New Testament times. [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the AG]

8.  WE BELIEVE... The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is ‘Speaking in Tongues,’ as experienced on the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles.


Our Staff

Pastor Marcus Alexander - Lead Pastor

Full name: Marcus Phillip Alexander

Marcus’ family: Married Marsha in 1981; daughter – Katherine; son Parker; and dog - Trixie.​

Ministry Role: I serve as the Lead Pastor​

Dream vacation: Snow Skiing in Colorado, Hiking in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, or Yosemite, CA.​

What's your regular order at Starbucks: NOTHING…I hate Coffee!  I drink Nestle Quick in the mornings!​

Favorite movie: Seven Days in Utopia:  Golf’s Sacred Journey – staring Robert Duvall and Lucas Black​.  I always enjoyed a good western with John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.

Life motto: “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” - Colossians 3:23 (NLT)​

Favorite scripture: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” – (Ephesians 3:20-21​)

Things that fascinate me: My Wife (her beauty, wisdom, cheerfulness, compassion, and patience with me… and how it continues to grow more and more every day).  My Granddaughter is so expressive, smart, funny, and makes me smile!  It’s amazing how much you love those little ones!

People who inspired me are: My dad who was my mentor and friend and who was the example of humility and Godliness before me.  Two pastors I have served with (J. Don George & Gregg Headley), and some key college professors who poured their life into me when I needed direction.​

Previous jobs: As a young teen I worked as a farm laborer in the watermelon fields of Eastern Oklahoma, in a grocery store as a sacker, in high school I delivered flowers for my mother’s flower shop, in college I was a mail clerk for Gulf Oil Corp., a valet car parker in college, metal cutting machine operator for Acme Fan Company, after that, I became a youth/music pastor, and then an associate pastor, College Professor/Administrator, Elementary Christian School Administrator, church Business Administrator/senior associate pastor, and then Senior Pastor of Casa View Assembly of God.​

One thing that most people don't know about me: I used to sing in a Southern Gospel Quartet from Gospel Lighthouse Church called “The Reflections”… As a teen, I had a minibike with a 5 hp Briggs & Stratton motor… In college each weekend I traveled and toured as a member of the Messenger Choir (SBC), The Harvester Choir (SAGU), and the Signs of Praise Choir (SAGU).​

How many Academic Degrees have you earned?  Believe it or not, I do have five (5) earned academic degrees:  After graduating in 1973 from HS in Checotah, Oklahoma I went to Houston, Texas to Southern Bible College and received an Associate of Arts degree in 1975.  I transferred to Waxahachie, Texas to Southwestern AG College and was awarded a Bachelor Of Science degree in 1977.  That fall, I enrolled at the Assemblies of God Graduate School and graduated the following Summer with a MA degree.  I was accepted into SWBTS in Fort Worth Texas, and earned both a MRE (79) and Ed.D (86) [in 1994 changed to Ph.D.]​

When and where did you accept Jesus: I was raised in a Christian Pastor’s home and don’t ever remember not being a Christian. I responded to almost every alter call rededicating my life to the Lord continually.

Music that moves me: I love worship music.​

Favorite singer or band: I was raised on Southern Gospel, as a youth Andre Crouch had a great impact on my life.  I don’t really have a favorite singer today other than Artie Hass.  I enjoy most praise and worship!​

Peeves: The sound of a person eating any crunching sound drives me up a wall (unless I am also crunching).  If I am in a meeting and a person is crunching ice or the noise of candy wrappers, or crunching chips or nuts …it drives me up a wall the inside!  ALSO,  If you borrow a tool… please put it back where it came from!  If you take anything from any room in the church… please return it where it belongs! AND clean up after yourself!  I don’t like a lot of clutter! ​

Life-changing moment: When I married Marsha and adopting my two children, and experiencing being a grandpa with my first grandchild.​

Hidden talent: As a residential house painter I can “cut in” without using painter's tape and it looks professional!  (My older cousin was a professional painter and worked with him during a Summer and he showed me some of the tricks of the painting trade!)​

Fears: I’m not too fond of snakes, large spiders, or dark parking garages at hospitals on the weekends. ​ 

Favorite book: That’s a hard one other than the Bible here are two of the many: Stories I Couldn’t Tell While I Was A Pastor, Bruce McIver; The Man That Could Do No Wrong, Charles Blair​

Quirks: I often have to sleep with my feet out of the cover because they get too hot, I have to have my orthopedic pillow so I don’t get a crick in my neck, in recent years I have had a hearing loss that makes it very difficult for me to hear speech if there is any background noise.   ​

In my spare time I... enjoy yard work, taking my wife grocery store coupon shopping (a half-day affair), reading, watch local sports (Mavericks, Rangers, Cowboys), and a few times a year take my wife to Canton first Monday trade days, and spending time with my Granddaughter! I enjoy fishing, hunting, and traveling to new places, but seldom get to do any of those things unless on vacation.

My least favorite food: Liver…Sauerkraut…Lemon Pie… I pretty much like everything else. ​

What makes you laugh? My wife, my granddaughter, my dog, and everybody else.​

What is weird about you? My comfort zone is usually doing the same routine… each day, each week, each year.  I am a bit OCD when it comes to my possessions.  (Being married to Marsha has helped me loosen up in this area.)​

The most exotic place you've ever been to: Katmai National Park, Alaska – to see the Kodiak Bears at Brooks Falls.  An ATV ride on the banks of the Knik River and seeing the Knik Glacier.  Taking the tour of Denali National Park to view Mount McKinley (Denali).

The most adventurous thing you've ever done: Ask Marsha to marry me...(it took me a looooooong time to do it.)​ 

My least favorite thing to do: Waiting at the airport for the remote parking van.


Artie Hass - Worship Pastor

Full name: Artie Lee Hass

Artie’s family: Brenda, Alisa Yates, Aaron Hass, Alanna Thompson

Ministry Role: Worship Leader, Choir Director

Dream vacation: anywhere with a beach.

What's your regular order at Starbucks: Black Tea/7 pumps classic.

Favorite movie: anything John Wayne.

Life motto: Follow God’s Word, live by His standards.

Favorite scripture:  Psalm 23. Psalm 96.

Things that fascinate me: Anything history related.

People who inspired me: Jim Henderson, my high school choir director, Dallas Holm, Steven Curtis Chapman & Chris Tomlin.

Previous jobs: Owner: Westside Barber Shop – Teacher Garland ISD

One thing that most people don't know about me: I owned a barber shop in Commerce, Tx.

When and where did you accept Jesus: At home with my grandmother, April 7, 1961.

Music that moves me: worship music, southern gospel & choral music.​

Favorite singer or band: Dallas Holm, Steven Curtis Chapman & Chris Tomlin

Peeves: People talking while I’m watching TV. People arriving late!

Life-changing moment: Meeting Brenda & Graduation from college to teach.

Hidden talent: I can fix things.

Fears: Heights, even though I went sky diving twice. Snakes…

Favorite book: Don’t really like to read…

Quirks: I like things done neatly and in order.

In my spare time I enjoy my record collection and jukebox.

My least favorite food: Sushi

What makes you laugh? My grandchildren & my friends.

The most adventurous thing you've ever done: Sky diving.

My least favorite thing to do: Cook & wash dishes.


Jonathan Littrell - Youth Pastor

Full name: Jonathan Wade Littrell

Jonathan’s family: I am an only child, so it is just me, my mom, and my dad nowadays.

Ministry Role: I serve as the Youth Ministry Director.

Dream vacation: A cabin in the mountains/forest near a lake. 

What's your regular order at Starbucks: Salted Caramel Cold Brew.

Favorite movie: Star Wars Return of the Jedi

Life motto: Lose Yourself. I totally stole it from AGWM – Europe but after hearing them talk about it, I fell in love with what the saying meant.

Favorite scripture: "Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need."

Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV)

Things that fascinate me: As cliché as it may be to say, Scripture. I love how the story of the Bible is simple enough that kids can grasp it, but complicated enough that scholars devote their entire life to uncovering the mysteries of the Bible. I am always fascinated by diving deeper into Scripture.

People who inspired me are: My undergraduate Hebrew teacher, Dr. Terance Espinoza. Dr. Espinoza took me under his wing during my undergrad and taught me what it meant to be a student and a teacher of God’s word. He inspired me with his gentleness, wisdom, and genuine love for both the Scriptures and people.

Previous jobs: I was the kid's pastor and youth pastor at North Dallas Assembly when I was a freshman in college. I have also taught at Flames of Fire Bible School down in Penitas Texas, right by the border between Mexico and Texas.

One thing that most people don't know about me: I love to cook, and I like to consider myself not too bad at it.

When and where did you accept Jesus: I accepted Jesus when I was 16 in high school. I had been an atheist for a period of my life in high school, but my friends were consistent in inviting me to church. I got saved at a Sunday Night Service at an Assemblies of God Church in 2018.

Music that moves me: I love any Christian music; however, my favorite genre is probably Christian Indie Music.

Favorite singer or band: It’s a tie between Josiah Queen and Benjamin William Hastings.

Peeves: It irks me when people are overly loud in public spaces, I find it disrespectful to everyone around.

Life-changing moment: Other than my salvation, I would have to say my mission trip to Las Vegas in 2021. It was eye-opening in so many ways and it was easily one of the most life-changing experiences I have ever had.

Hidden talent: Last time I checked, I could type just above 60 wpm.

Fears: I don’t like anything that can be characterized as a “creepy crawly,” They are not my thing.

Favorite book: It is a tie between Love Does and Everybody Always, both by Bob Goff.

Quirks: I love cold weather, if it could be thirty to forty degrees year-round, I would be very happy.

In my spare time I... enjoy cooking, hanging out with my friends, occasionally playing video games, and doing a deep exegetical dive into a biblical topic or passage.

My least favorite food: Durian, I have never tasted it, but smelling it was enough to make it my least favorite food. I also really don't like okra.

What makes you laugh? Really bad puns. I can’t explain it, but for some reason, I find them hilarious.

The most adventurous thing you've ever done: There was a ledge you could walk out onto at the Grand Canyon and look over the edge. I would probably say that was my most adventurous thing done because it was terrifying, but so worth it for the view.

The most exotic place you've ever been to: The Grand Canyon

My least favorite thing to do: Driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic.



9949 Ferguson Rd.

Dallas, TX 75228


P.O. Box 180427

Dallas, TX. 75218


T: 214.328.8101

F: 214.328.8286



Office Hours

9 am- 3-pm
The office is closed on Fridays and everyday from 12 pm 1 pm

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